Friday 2 August 2013

Inspiring Prints: Fabric Rehab

Fabric Rehab

Acid colours, seemingly inspired by childrens' books and the seventies.  They appear to use no more than 8 colours per print.  I enjoy the lack of outline in a lot of the prints, definition created by colour and texture mainly. The drawings are also from an odd perspective, flattening them and giving them a childlike quality. This is something I want to experiment with in my own drawings.  This gives a softness to a bold design and actually draws more attention to the beautiful colours.  The chosen subjects for Fabric Rehab seem to be nature, people, houses and everyday things.  Their designs are composed of simple shapes layered over one another, at interesting angles (mostly regular with the odd one out of place).

My favourite is the Ballerina print, one for subject matter (dancing is close to my heart), I also enjoy the fun, non-conformity of the print such as the non-traditional ballerina outfits and candy hair colours.